SLAN advocates for multi-stakeholders and multi-level collaborative framework for effective landscape policy and decision making, especially local communities.
Photo: Landscape Architects and MLA postgratude students of Ahmadu Bello University brainstorming session at the 1st International Geo-Design Universities collaboration (IGC), "Landscape Changes in Zaria Environs".
The Nigerian landscape cuts across different States and Local authorities, which means many stakeholders, different jurisdictions and interest groups. Landscapes are not recognized as a level and scale of planning and decision-making processes in Nigeria. Governments at different levels lack expertise in identifying and adding value to landscape resources as well as financing opportunities. SLAN advocates for proactive leadership to develop a local institutional framework for Landscape Governance that will enhance multi-stakeholder collaborations towards managing and financing landscape developments. This will inform government in developing governance structures and policies that recognize the landscape as a critical level and scale in addressing today’s complex problems.